Mariska Breland

Mariska Breland is the inventor of the Fuse Ladder and runs the majority of the teacher trainings offered in the U.S. and online. Mariska started her fitness career in 2005 with her first certification in Pilates. Since then, she has co-owned three successful Washington, D.C.-based studios, and she has been a presenter at industry conferences and studios in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and the Middle East. She is a popular visiting teacher on Pilates Anytime.
Mariska's classes are a combination of the types of exercise she loves - Pilates, strength training, calisthenics, and even barre and yoga. The majority of her classes have optional music (find the mixes under her Public Playlists on Spotify).
Outside of fitness, Mariska is obsessed with her dog children and loves a good book, movie, or TV series. Also food. She's a big fan.